Value of a Thing

Value of a Thing

I read a story about a man who inherited a blanket. After his grandmother died and his family members finished “pillaging” her house, he went to sift through what remained. Among her possessions was a dingy blanket no one wanted. He recalled his grandmother had used it for a birthing bed when one of the cats had kittens. He took it home and...

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We Are Small

We Are Small

Usually we act like we are big. We give the finger to people in cars. We kick over anthills. And we use keyboards like machine guns. Also we act like we are smart. We know how to replace livers. We know how to build tiny robots. And we know how to cut apart atoms to blow stuff up. But the truth is we are not that big and we are not that smart. We...

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Stuff That Needs to Die

Stuff That Needs to Die

Healthy soil contains organic matter, which is made from things that have died. The dead matter becomes worm food. As the matter is consumed, nutrients are released that feed other living things like plants. All this to say, decay leads to regeneration. Jesus compared the human heart to soil. Some hearts are hard and cracked, a feeding ground for...

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